7 Best Ways to Get Rid Dandruff Fast

Dandruff has become a common problem in recent days among men and women. Age doesn’t matter though teenage is mostly prone to dandruff due to various proven medical reasons, a lot of them due to hormonal and psychological reasons. Long-term dandruff problem might lead to severe hair loss issues. Don’t be worried much, as the best ways can help you to get of dandruff completely forever by following the below instructions. Try and eliminate the irritating dandruff permanently using the following methods.

7 Best Ways to Get Rid Dandruff Fast: 
1. If you see your dandruff has just started- just don’t go for any strong treatment and get into other troubles like dry scalp. Take a cup of “fresh” carrot juice and massage gently on your head (scalps) and leave it for about 20 to 30 minutes before you wash your hair. Follow this once a week and get cured from dandruff sickness permanently.
2. Here is an extremely simple method which is effective too- Take a cup of thick curd and apply on your scalp properly. Leave it for about 30 minutes and waste it off using your regular shampoo. Don’t let the curd for a longer duration on your head as some might get cold based on their body temperature. Anyways, nothing serious.
3. Another simpler tip to get rid of your dandruff problems- Have sufficient amount of coconut oil, warm it up (not too hot) and then apply it thoroughly on your scalp using a cotton bud or with finger in a better way so that it reaches your scalp evenly. Now, leave it overnight. Take some lemon juice mixed with a “little” salt and apply on your scalp and leave it for an hour. Wash it off and see how your hair looks.
4.  Best tip if you have enough time- take sufficient quantity of thick curd, 2 table spoons of “gram flour” and egg white. Mix them all and apply evenly on your head. After an hour of application wash it off with your regular shampoo.
5. Massage your scalp gently using oat meal (boil it before applying) and comb it off after a few minutes. Now, shampoo your hair after 20 minutes and get rid of dandruff thoroughly.
6. Take proper proportions of coconut oil and lime juice, mix them together and apply on your scalp. Stay for an hour with it and wash off your hair.
7. The last tip is psychological and life-style based though it seem to be tough but not really if your practice it regularly. Avoid stress and don’t rush for any anti-dandruff shampoo before trying basic home remedies. When the dandruff is more it is good to avoid beef.
Don’t get confused on how to get rid dandruff as the above methods are very effective and should be repeated for 4 to 5 weeks (once in a week).